There were 238 registrations .
Dr.Shaanthy Gunasingh President WDA welcomed the gathering.
Following are the topics and speakers .
Thyroid Malignancy | Dr. S. Uma Rani AsstProf of Surgery,MMC |
Carcinoma Breast | Dr.V. Sridevi Surgical Oncologist |
Upper G I bleed | Dr. T.S. Jayashree Prof of Surgery,SMC |
Obstructive Jaundice | Dr.A.Anandi Asst Prof of Surgery,MMC |
Intestinal Obstruction | Dr.B .SathyaPriya Asst Prof of Surgery,MMC |
Dr. P.P. Dhakshayani Prof of Geriatric Surgery, MMC
Dr.V. Shruthi Kamal Prof of Surgery, Saveetha medical college
Dr. M.L. Shyamala Prof of Surgery, Saveetha medical college
Dr. UshaDurairajanv Prof of Surgery, KMC
There was good students interaction . Students were given certificate of participation and a CD of the talks .
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