WDA conducted School Health program on 22/1/2020 between 9am to 1pm along with Lioness Council Dist 324 A5 at Rani Meyyammai Girls higher secondary school, RA puram.
Health check up including General & ENT check up were done by
- Dr.Shyamala
- Dr.Shanthi Gunasingh
- Dr. Ranjanakumari
- Dr.Maheswari
- Dr.Sudha
- Dr.Banupriya
- Dr.Sunandha
- Dr.Ticini.
About 550 students studying from 6th to 10th Std were examined. About 15 chronic Tonsillitis, 2 Sinusitis, 22 anemia out of which 2 severely anemic, 2 Hypothyroid , Ganglion Rt wrist and more than 50 cases of dental carries were diagnosed.
They were advised regarding further management of their problems.
Program was completed with Adulescent
Health Education delivered by
- Dr.Shyamala,
- Dr.Shanthi Gunasingh
- Dr.Ranjanakumari.