Medicine CME on Infectious Diseases on Sunday 8 December 2013 at Madras Medical college

Report  of  WDA   Medicine  CME

Medicine   CME   on   infectious  diseases   was  conducted   on   Sunday  8  December   2013   at  Madras  Medical  college  Seminar  hall from  9am  –  2pm.  There  were  90  registrations . Dr.M.L.Shyamala  Secretary  welcomed  the  gathering  .

Following  are the  Topics  and  Speakers

HIV Dr.M.Anusuya, Asst Prof Medicine, MMC
Infective  Endocarditis Dr.V.Ruckmani, Prof of Medicine, SRM
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Dr.H.Sripriya, Asst Prof Medicine, MMC
Infective  Hepatitis Dr.M.Malarvizhi, Asst Prof MGE, SMC
Dengue Dr.P.Malarvizhi, Asst Prof Medicine, KMC
Meningitis Dr.SwathyMoorthy, Asst Prof Medicine, SRMC
Infective Diarrhoeas Dr.V.Padma, Prof of Medicine, SBMC
Leptospirosis Dr.Namitha Narayanan, Asst Prof Medicine, SMC
Malaria Dr.D.Thangam, Asst Prof Geriatric Medicine, MMC

The  CME   was  over  at  2pm . CD  of  the  talks  were  given  to  participants .

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